Child category article list
How to display an article list from child categories in the main category page.
How to display an article list from child categories in the main category page.
Using the rss_unlimited_categories plugin to enable unlimited categories in Textpattern.
This category menu returns a consistent URL regardless of the page you are on.
Render an invitation to Tweet your articles and display a pre-formatted TinyURL link within Twitter.
This feature is for people who want make a prev/next article link according to the assigned value of category1.
This tip will display the published date and, only if article has been changed, the last modified date article.
Highlight the current article title on any page with some simple code.
How to change the output of the recent_comments tag.
Create an image gallery using Galleriffic and Textpattern’s in-built image categories.
Some of the various methods for displaying content differently within the same section.